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About this Site: Site Credits

Almost everything you see on this site is copyright Mark Moxon, from the writing and photos to the XHTML and Perl scripts. Unauthorised duplication is against the law – not to mention downright irritating after all the hours of effort I've put into creating this site – but if you'd like obtain permission to reproduce something from my website, please see Using My Content on Your Site. The only parts of this site I didn't create myself are:

Everything else you see is my own, original work... or, to put it another way, you should blame me. Apart from Google Maps, which I use for the maps in my walking sites, I haven't used any third-party frameworks, and there's no advertising. I like to keep things clean and fast...

How I Created My Site

Over the years, I've used the following products to create and maintain this site for your enjoyment and delectation:

Site History

Here's a very brief (and rather incomplete) history of this website.