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New Zealand: Low Patch

Greg (right) and Thomas celebrating on top of Rangitoto with a bottle of Queen Adelaide
Greg (right) and Thomas celebrating on top of Rangitoto with a bottle of Queen Adelaide; my low patch was in no small part down to me missing my friends

When I wrote the following, I was feeling pretty low. This has obviously happened before, such as when I had to wait around for ages in Melbourne for my car to be ready, or when I had to drop Queensland from my plans because I'd miscalculated the amount of time I had left on my visa. Both of those times I had good reason to be annoyed – delay and disappointment, respectively – but this time I had no good reason at all: I just felt really miserable and I simply didn't want to be on the road.

The Three Month Blues

Even cats don't fall on their feet this well, and they're genetically programmed to land right side up. Then why do I still feel a nagging doubt about this whole New Zealand thing? The last time I sat down to write, I edited my original transcript to remove all these little whinges about my current travels, as I put my grumpiness down to continuing flu; but even though my health is much better, there's something not quite firing on all cylinders here in New Zealand.