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Indonesia: Ujung Pandang to Surabaya

Following my sudden illness, I found myself with a bonus recuperation day. There were bananas, biscuits and conversations with a delightful Canadian couple who had moved into Rose's old room; I hadn't managed to say goodbye to my American friend, as she'd had to catch her bus while I writhed on the floor, which was a great shame. We'd meant to have a pizza in Ujung Pandang and to swap books when I'd finished the last few pages of mine on the bus – she had a John Irving book, A Prayer for Owen Meany, that I would have loved to read, especially after she described his other books to me – but I didn't even have an address. Such is life.

1 After my previous Pelni trip, I took my own food and ate Pop Mie (Pot Noodle to you and me) in the cafeteria. Those biscuits saved my life... eating Pelni food after my last batch of food poisoning would have been fatal.