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Australia: Kununurra

Rock formations in Mirima National Park
Pretty little Geikie Gorge

Friday was a long driving day, but before I set off on the seven-hour slog from Fitzroy Crossing to Kununurra, I popped 20km off the highway to Geikie Gorge, another of the Devonian Reef gorges. If anyone ever says to you, 'When you've seen one gorge you've seen them all,' you can tell they've never been to Australia, because however many gorges I've seen – and I can think of a dozen I've seen in WA off the top of my head – every one is unique. Geikie is picture-postcard pretty, not quite as rugged as most, and its green vegetation makes it quite an oasis. There's a lovely little 1.5km walk up the gorge where I met a very interesting travelling group, comprising an Irishman, a Swiss guy and American girl, all trucking round in one van bought in Sydney. Now that's what I call a tolerant bunch, and good fun they were too.

Geikie Gorge
The strange rock formations of Mirima National Park, not far from Kununurra
Kununurra from Kelly's Knob
Kununurra from Kelly's Knob