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London Loop: Route

The excellent official route guide, The London Loop by David Sharp, makes walking the Loop considerably easier than it would otherwise be. As with all official route guides for long-distance paths in the UK, the guide contains sections of 1:25,000 Ordnance Survey Explorer maps, specially highlighted to show the route. All you need to walk the Loop is this book and a compass; the directions in the book are impeccable and most sections are well signed, though be warned that some boroughs have yet to put up any markers at all, and in others the local retards smash them up for fun.

It's worth pointing out that this is only a suggested itinerary. If you're really fit then you could easily polish off two sections in one day; conversely you could break it down into countless shorter walks, as each section can be broken in at least one place. The terrain is gentle throughout, though, so most people should be able to manage the above.